“Incorporating TredLife technology,the tyre delivers longer mileage without sacrificing any of our safety and performance objective.” he says,“What’s more,it has been designed with Asian roads in mind.”Goodyear offers tyres for all vehicles from cars and trucks to more specialised applications like aircraft and motorsports.“Safety is at the core of our brand,” says Nasution.“We use the latest and most advanced technology in our tyres to make drivers more confident on the road and their journeys much safers.”
A trusted brands tyre should provide optimal road grip during both dry and wet conditions,enchanced driving performance on straight roads and corners,excellent braking ability,good resistence to cuts and tears,and extended tread life and therefore mileage.Customer care and education are priorities for Trusted Brands.The Goodyear Cares campaign educates motorists on how proper tyre and car motorists on how proper tyre and car maintenance can save not just fuel but also lives.
Resource:Reader Digest May 2010 Trusted Brand(pg 33)
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