The flatscreen TV revolutionised our home viewing experience with its slick appearance and the sharpness of its colours and images.Trusted Brands continue to bring us new technology to further heighten our viewing pleasure.Douglas Chung,head of the home and network department at Sony in Malaysia,says more customers are trading in their convential televisions for flatscreen TV as they come to appreciate

First-time buyers typically choose 32-inch TVs but sizes of 40 inches and up are becoming more popular especially for living rooms,he adds.Liew Choon Wah,general manager for digital audio visual at Panasonic in Malaysia,says the LED backlit TV,a variant of LCD TV,is a milestone in flatscreen evolution.Panasonic offers a full range of LED,LCD and Plasma TVs.This technology offers a brighter picture overall,deeper black colours,and is more energy efficient,Chung adds,highlighting Sony’s Bravia ZX1 model.
It also enables TV panels to be slimmer,leading to sleek,futuristic,designs,explains Jimmy Tan,corporate marketing director at Samsung in Malaysia.3D is the latest innovation in home TVs,having already proven its popularity at the cinema.
Resource:Reader digest may 2010 Trusted Brand(pg 100)
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